Processing and protection
Even professionals are not always ready to answer the question of what a fiberboard is.
The description of the birch is known to everyone living from the subtropics to the tundra. This tree is not only wide
Features of cedar The height of cedar can reach up to 50 meters, while its diameter
Externally, wood looks like a dense fibrous material that is part of the trunk, roots and branches
The term “wood” usually means the inner part of a tree trunk, located under its bark and
Rosewood is one of the most popular types of tropical trees, which is increasingly used in
Externally, wood looks like a dense fibrous material that is part of the trunk, roots and branches
What is wood density? The unit of wood density is gm/cm3 or kg/m3 (in the system
Pine wood is one of the most common materials for construction, furniture making, etc.
Wood of any species must be protected from the influence of external factors. Proper surface treatment prevents damage