Tree with oak-like leaves

Main characteristics of oaks

Trees of this species are characterized by a fairly powerful crown and root system. The leaves have a leathery surface and can vary in shape, color, and ability to overwinter (many varieties shed their leaves for the winter). As for resistance to climatic conditions, all members of the oak family tolerate windy and dry weather well.

The best place for planting is open, well-lit areas with nutritious soil.

When choosing types of oak, you should focus, first of all, on the size of the site: if there is a large free space, trees that form a spreading shading crown will look impressive, and if there is a minimum of space, the best option will be low-growing varieties with a narrow crown in the shape of a pyramid.

The most widespread in the design of landscapes of parks, gardens, and household plots are 10 species: stone, red (northern), large-fruited, white, marsh, willow, large-anthered (eastern), Mongolian, chestnut-leaved, petiolate.

Features of growing croton

In general, the plant is not particularly whimsical, but it still has some requirements. The flower loves bright but diffuse lighting and, if there is not enough light, loses its color saturation. The evergreen croton has no rest period, and in winter it feels great at 18°C.

But the variegated bush does not like drafts and cold and begins to shed its leaves.

Increased plant requirements for humidity. It should be watered abundantly and regularly, and also maintain high air humidity. But at the same time, it is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate, otherwise the root system will begin to rot. Twice a month you can apply special complex fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants. Feeding in winter will not hurt, but once a month is enough. In order for the bush to grow lush, it is recommended to pinch the growth points every 20 cm.

Species characteristic of the Mediterranean, Canada, Southern Europe

Stone oak

Evergreen trees of this type are resistant to low temperatures and drought. The oak reaches a height of 25 meters; it is characterized by the formation of a wide branched crown and a powerful trunk of rich gray color. The length of the glossy dark green leaves does not exceed 8 cm. The leaves can have a solid or variable shape, the back side is yellowish or whitish, and slight hairiness is possible. Holm oaks can be planted in any soil on areas of any light level. Trees can be pruned, allowing the formation of hedges, so they become an effective decoration of regular gardens, parks, and alleys.

The following decorative forms of this type are distinguished:

  • Narrow-leaved;
  • Longleaf;
  • Ford shape - characterized by the presence of a narrow crown and narrow leaves;
  • Golden-variegated (with a characteristic leaf color);
  • Curly;
  • Small-leaved;
  • Round-leaved.

Red oak

The tree has a slender shape, reaching 25 meters in height. The crown, resembling a tent in shape, is formed by shiny leaves with pointed blades, deep grooves and a length of up to 20 cm. The color of the leaves varies depending on the time of year and the age of the oak: in spring and summer, the color varies from reddish to dark green, in in the autumn period it becomes scarlet-red and brownish-brown in young and mature trees, respectively. This type is widely used for landscaping streets, forming alleys in the form of group arrays or solitaires. It grows best in open areas with deeply textured soils, can withstand frosty and windy weather, is immune to lateral shading, and is not susceptible to the negative effects of powdery mildew. A special feature of wood is its ability to muffle city noise. It is undesirable to plant this species in calcareous, overly moist soils.

Oak - a sacred tree, video

And in conclusion, an interesting video about the healing properties of oak.

Use the alphabetical index of plants for landscape design to view a catalog created by our specialists of several hundred varieties of plants used by designers in landscape projects for landscaping and landscaping, photographs of trees and shrubs, descriptions of their varieties and varieties, color, flowering, habit, crown height and diameter depending on the age of the plants. Examples of using plants from the catalogue, dendrological plans and projects of decorative groups can be found in the portfolio of landscape projects.

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Representatives of North America

Large-fruited oak

The tree, which has a thick trunk and a branched tent-like crown, can reach a height of 30 m. The crown-forming obovate leaves with deep lobes (leaf length is about 25 cm) are whitish-green below and dark green above. In autumn the color changes to yellow-brown. Can be planted in masses or tapeworms, likes abundant watering and tolerates low temperatures well. This species is characterized by rapid growth and ripening of large acorns.

White oak

Quite unpretentious, grows best in nutritious deep soils. The height of an adult plant is about 30 meters; spreading branches form a wide crown in the shape of a tent. The length of the leaf reaches 22 cm. The color of the foliage varies depending on the time of year: from bright red (at the time of blooming), to light green (in summer), dark red or purple-violet (in autumn). Such representatives of the oak family do not withstand severe frosts and tolerate dry weather well. They look impressive as alley plantings.

Swamp oak

Like most trees of this species, it reaches a height of 25 meters, forming at first a narrow, and over time, a wide pyramidal crown. A feature of young shoots is the presence of reddish-brown bark. The length of the pointed leaves, which have smooth serrated blades, does not exceed 12 cm. The lower part of the leaf is colored light green, and the upper part is colored rich green. From below, tufts of pile form in the corners of the veins. In autumn the foliage turns bright purple. This species grows best in nutritious, well-moistened soils and does not tolerate severe frosts (young shoots freeze slightly). Used when forming a group or alley planting or planted as a tapeworm.

Willow oak

It is a slender ornamental tree with a wide rounded crown and reaching a height of 20 meters. A peculiarity of the foliage is its similarity to willow leaves (the length and width of one leaf are about 12 and 2 cm, respectively). Young leaves are characterized by strong pubescence below. Foliage color varies from green in spring and summer to dull yellow in fall. It can grow on any soil in areas with sufficient lighting and can withstand severe frosts. It looks equally impressive both in group plantings and when planted with tapeworm.

How to grow an oak tree from an acorn

Oak trees begin to bear fruit after 30 years of life and their fruits are acorns. The best time to plant a new oak tree will be autumn, the period before the first snow, but it is important to ensure that the acorns are not eaten by small rodents. To avoid this, they are often planted in the spring, with the onset of the first warm days. Only acorns with a yellow or reddish embryo inside are suitable for planting.

“Natives” of the Far East, the Caucasus, East Asia and Siberia

Large anther (high mountain Caucasian) oak

The height of the tree does not exceed 20 meters. The leaves, about 18 cm long, are distinguished by a characteristic pinnately dissected shape with short blunt lobes (from 8 to 10). The upper part of the leaf has a smooth surface and is colored dark green, while the lower part looks yellowish-gray due to thick fibers. These oak representatives are resistant to dry and frosty weather, but grow rather slowly. Decorative plantings are often formed by large-anthered hybrids, named after Michurin, Timiryazev, Komarov, Vysotsky.

English oak (Quercus robur) - a diverse representative of Western European and Russian forests

This species has become most widespread in landscape design and is a component of coniferous-deciduous forests. It grows best in nutritious soils in open areas with sufficient light, tolerates dry and windy weather well, and does not like waterlogging. The height of an adult tree can reach 50 meters. When grown as part of group plantings, it has a high-set crown and a slender long trunk; when used as a tapeworm, the crown becomes wide and has a low planting. Leathery leaves with a maximum length of 15 cm are characterized by an obovate or oblong shape with non-pointed blades (no more than 7). These oak representatives are among the most durable species, with a lifespan of about 1500 years.

English oak is represented by several varieties, each of which has its own characteristic features:

  • Atropurpurea - shoots and foliage have a wine color, which changes to green-violet in autumn. Oak is able to grow only in areas protected from draft cold winds;
  • Compacta – a rounded crown is formed on a low trunk;
  • Variegate - has white leaves with variegated splashes of color;
  • Concordia is a low-growing oak with leaves whose color changes from bright yellow during the blooming period to green and copper in summer and autumn, respectively;
  • Fastigiata Koster – forms an original crown in the vertical direction;
  • Pyramidalis is a low-growing oak with a narrow crown shaped like a pyramid;
  • Asplenifolia is a low oak with a rounded crown with small leaves, densely dissected along its entire length.

Oak flowers

The oak blooms in late spring, its flowers are small, green and invisible among the leaves. Moreover, the flowers themselves are divided into male and female, male flowers consist of stamens, female flowers only of pistils. Also, male flowers tend to be collected in inflorescences that look like earrings. Female flowers look like green grains and it is from them that acorns subsequently appear.

Green oak, mighty and beautiful

“On the Sea-Ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a green oak tree” - this is how many old Russian fairy tales begin. Oak has long been considered the most important tree among the Slavs and personified the World Tree - a model of the universe and man.

Oak was considered the most important tree among the Slavs

Oak is found much more often than other trees in the works of a wide variety of peoples. Mozart’s magic flute was carved from oak, in “The Song of Hiawatha” there is an oak tree that brings youth and health, Pushkin repeatedly uses the image of this tree: remember Dubrovsky, about Lukomorye, where “the oak is green.”

All this means that the oak is a significant, majestic tree and worthy of respect, and perhaps even reverence.

Botanical certificate

Oak (Quercus) is a genus of trees in the Beech family. There are more than 600 species in the genus, but about 20 are more or less common. The most noticeable difference between this tree and others is its original acorn fruits, which are essentially nuts. However, they also differ noticeably in their shape, size and color depending on the variety.

Oak branch with acorns

It is interesting that oak trees grow only in the Northern Hemisphere: in Africa and South America south of the equator, as well as in Australia, there is not a single oak tree. On the territory of Russia, only 3 species have any noticeable numbers. Let's look at them.

How to care for croton at home - video

Chestnut oak
Chestnut oak. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK
Scientific classification
Sub-kingdom:Green plants
Class:Dicotyledons [1]
View:Chestnut oak
International scientific name
Quercus castaneifolia

CAMey., 1831

Chestnut oak

(lat. Quércus castaneifólia) is a deciduous tree, a species of the genus Oak (
) of the Beech family (

English oak

In Russia, this oak (Quercus robur) is the most widespread. Large majestic trees form extensive oak forests in the European part of the country. Otherwise it is called common oak, English oak or summer oak.

English oak

The height of this tree can reach 40 m, and the age of the representative considered to be the oldest (Stelmuz oak in Lithuania) is about 2000 years. But on average, the common oak lives 300-400 years and reaches a height of 20-30 m.

The shape of the leaves, the color and texture of the bark, the fruits and the external outline of the tree are very specific, so it is quite difficult to confuse it with something else. Even small children in kindergarten can easily remember what an oak leaf looks like and do not confuse it with maple or rowan. And acorns open up real scope for creativity: are there those who have never made crafts from these nuts - for themselves or their children?

Blooming oak leaves. Photo by the author Young oak leaves blooming in spring look very touching. They are in no hurry; at the very beginning of their growth, their tiny fists have a delicate pink tint. However, in summer they are hard, leathery leaves, durable and very fragrant, especially in the heat and after rain.

Natural and treated oak wood

Existing varieties of wood differ in the areas of their use.

The main types of available oak material and their description:

  • petiolate – used in “green construction” for the production of plantings. It is of great importance for maintaining the ecosystem of forest parks;
  • bleached (bleached) – is the standard in parquet production. Coatings from other trees are imitated for this type of oak;
  • stained - used to emphasize the oak structure and has become widespread in the manufacture of surfaces made from end cuts of wood;
  • red – widely used in the production of parquet, furniture and other interior details. Has high impact resistance;
  • cork - used in the manufacture of bottle caps and shoe soles. Special balsa wood rugs are made for the kitchen;
  • black - obtained after a long stay under water. It has abnormal strength properties and is used in furniture production;
  • Mongolian - rarely used in construction and more common as an ingredient in alternative medicine recipes;
  • Mamvrian - used as an ornamental tree;
  • edged - represents oak boards used at all stages of construction and production of furniture products;
  • aged (brushed) - formed by mechanical removal of soft wood fibers. The process is similar to the changes that occur to a tree over time. The resulting surface has a distinct structure of growth rings and pores, which can be painted in different colors;
  • Ardennes is a variety of elite wood extracted in the Ardennes Forest. It is mainly used in the production of parquet and furniture.

Photos of some types of oak

English oak

Bog oak

Red oak

Cork oak

Mongolian oak

Mamre oak

Mongolian oak

The name of this tree was given by mistake, which is not so rare in botany. This species (Quercus mongolica) was first described in Mongolia, but is not currently found there. Its distribution area is northeast China, Korea, Japan, and in Russia it is often found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, on Sakhalin.

Leaves and acorns of the Mongolian oak. Photo from

The tree lives on average 350 years, can grow up to 30 m, but in mountainous areas it does not grow higher than 10, sometimes forming a bush. In the Far East it forms forests, where it is the most widespread of broad-leaved plants. The fruits of Mongolian oak are almost 2 times smaller than those of pedunculate oak and have a more rounded shape.

This oak is interesting because it can grow almost on rocks, forming soil under it after some time. Therefore, it can be used as mountain fortification plantings, as well as to stop gully formation.

Comparison with other types

When assessing wood species, the hardness indicator is taken as a basis. Let us recall that for oak this value is at the level of 3.8 (according to Brinell). Comparing with common materials used in production, this indicator corresponds to beech, but at the same time benefits in density.

If we compare oak and ash, the latter has a higher hardness of 4-4.1, but is also inferior in density. Other characteristics of these materials are approximately at the same level. As for the pattern of the structure, the rings of oak are smoother and more rounded, while those of ash are noticeably elongated.

Another competitor of oak in carpentry is walnut. The hardness of American walnut reaches 4, but for European and walnut this indicator is 5, which is significantly higher than oak wood. But against this background, it is important to note the low density of the nut - 500 kg/m³ and the high cost. In connection with the listed criteria, it becomes clear why manufacturers and buyers often prefer solid oak.

Growing oak

Oak has a strong appeal. People who have plots large enough to accommodate a giant sooner or later plant one. Those who have smaller lands often choose decorative forms. You can become the owner of an oak tree in different ways: buy a seedling from a nursery (or dig it up in the forest, which is prohibited by law), root cuttings from a young tree, or plant an acorn.

Young oak foliage. Photo by the author

Planting an acorn

The simplest, but longest way to a majestic beauty is sowing an acorn. For this purpose, it is best to take fresh nuts collected in September-October from a healthy tree. There is almost no point in using old acorns, since organizing proper storage is quite difficult, and dried seed material becomes unviable. Fresh nuts collected on time germinate in almost 100% of cases. To do this, you need to sow them in the fall before snow falls.

Another option is to look for live acorns in the spring, immediately after the snow cover melts. You may not be lucky every year: fallen nuts are actively taken apart by mice, winter can be very frosty and destroy all the beginnings. However, it is worth trying to find germinating acorns in early spring and sow them immediately.

Fallen acorns in early spring

The soil should preferably be close to the one from which you collected the acorns. It’s good to take some soil from under the oak tree and sow nuts in it. If the planting material is questionable (for example, in spring), then sow thicker, leaving 2-3 cm between acorns. When the nuts are fresh, you need to sow them at a distance of 10-15 cm.

When sowing in spring, acorns are buried by 2-3 cm, when sowing in autumn - by 6-8 cm. You should not wait for sprouts too soon; oak trees can take more than a month to germinate. The plant first forms a fairly powerful root, and only then the “tops” appear.

Planting a seedling

To slightly shorten the time it takes to grow a large tree, you can purchase a seedling from nurseries. They offer both basic types and original varieties or decorative forms.

In our market, which unites large online stores, you can familiarize yourself with the offers of companies that deliver oak seedlings throughout Russia. Take a look at the Oak seedlings section.

It is best to take 1-2 years old oak from the nursery; such trees take root as well as possible. If a seedling is grown in a container, then the chances of successful cultivation increase many times over, and transportation is simplified. If you buy a plant with an open root system, you need to transport it by wrapping the roots in damp canvas.

Old oak tree in the village of Mikhailovskoye, Pushkin Mountains

When choosing a location for an oak tree, you need to remind yourself that you are planting a potential giant. The distance to neighboring trees should be at least 3 m, preferably 6. The oak tree must be placed at a distance of 3.5-4 m from the nearest building, since powerful roots, growing, easily break the blind area and even the foundation. By the way, this must be taken into account when growing oak from an acorn.

The best time for planting is spring, when the soil is warm enough. The hole should be 1 m² in size, 80 cm deep. Drainage is made at the bottom, and then a nutrient mixture is prepared, having approximately the following ratio of ingredients: 2 buckets of compost, 1 kg of ash, 1.5 kg of double superphosphate and dug up soil. It is also good to add 100 g of potassium fertilizer.

The seedling is placed in the planting hole so that its root collar rises 1-2 cm above the soil surface. Cover with soil mixture, periodically compacting it, and then water thoroughly using 10-15 liters of water. At the end, the tree trunk circle is mulched with compost, humus or mowed grass.

A young plant, whether it is grown from an acorn or purchased from a nursery, is in dire need of attention for the first 2-3 years. It requires weeding, regular watering, and loosening. Starting from the second year, it is good to fertilize the tree with complex mineral fertilizers.

Oak of the first year of life. Photo by the author

When preparing for winter, small oak trees need shelter. While they are very small, you can make cages from perches and wrap them with covering material, and insulate the roots by adding peat or dry leaves to them.

Diseases and pests

Oak often suffers from powdery mildew, when its leaves become covered with a white coating. Often the plant copes on its own, but if it is still young and more than half of the leaves are covered with whitish “flour”, then help is required. Spraying with systemic fungicides works well, and preventative treatment is desirable.

Other oak diseases are less common, but you need to know them. These are vascular diseases, necrosis, various tumors and ulcers, which are mainly caused by fungi. Rot diseases also occur, affecting branches, bark, trunk and roots. Oak is also often affected by tinder fungi.

Oak affected by tinder fungus

The pests that attack oak trees are countless. Unfortunately, the foliage is spoiled by various silkworms, cutworms, moths, sawflies, leaf rollers and others; buds and flowers suffer from 12 types of gall moths, and acorns - from codling moths, weevils and 1 type of gall moth. The wood of the trunk and branches is affected by a separate host of pests.

Oak pests are numerous

It should be noted that there are primary pests, that is, those that fall on healthy oaks, and secondary ones, which, as a rule, affect already weakened trees. Primary ones destroy leaves and fruits, secondary ones grow in bark and wood.

Galls are formations on leaves where pests overwinter and develop.

Treatments with insecticidal preparations help control pests. In spring, “Kinmiks”, “Fufanon”, “Inta-vir”, “Fitoverm” are used for spraying. In June, during the emergence of gall moths that overwinter and develop in galls, the trees are re-treated with insecticides.

Oak is a slow and solid tree. When planting an acorn now, you need to keep in mind that your children will enjoy the dense shade from the foliage of the spreading tree, and your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will collect acorns under it for crafts. But your good and necessary deed will be remembered for a long, long time.

Oak plant: photos, types, cultivation, planting and care in open ground

These long-lived deciduous and evergreen trees are very diverse in foliage structure, overall size and habit. All of them form acorns - ovoid fruits-nuts, the base of which is immersed in a cup-shaped plus - an extension of the stalk, covered with budding, sometimes fringed scales. Oak trees have a spreading crown and a deep, extensive root system, so they are not suitable for a small area. The trees discussed below are more or less cold-resistant, although this indicator greatly depends on the species. Winter temperatures are of course important. However, much more damage is caused by spring frosts, which damage the opened buds. As a result, in some regions oaks, instead of slender trees, grow in the form of twisted bushes.


Description of oak. What does oak look like?

Oak is a massive tree, its size is no less impressive than its longevity. The average height of an oak tree is 35 meters, but there are also 60-meter giants. The thickness is also quite large, the trunk usually has a diameter of about 1.5 meters.

The Palmer Oak is the oldest and at the same time the largest oak tree in the world, located in the city of Sainte (France), the girth of the trunk of this tree is 9 meters. According to an ancient Gallic legend, the soldiers of Julius Caesar rested under this oak tree.

Oak leaves depend on its shape and can be lobed, jagged, or some other shape. The branches are usually curved. The tortuosity of the oak tree has a scientific explanation - the shoots of the tree reach towards the Sun and for this reason change their direction depending on the weather, season and time of day.

The oak root system is well developed, its roots are no less huge than the oak itself and go deep into the ground.

Recommended species and varieties

Q. borealis

The crown is spherical. Leaves fall only in the harshest winters. Their plates are obovate, with rounded lobes, 12.5 cm long. The bark cracks with age and becomes brownish-gray. A heat-loving species that in Russia can be cultivated in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. The height and diameter of the plant is 8x5 m (20 years). Maximum height - 30 m.

Heat-loving species

Q. castaneifolia "Greenspire"

The crown is narrow. The leaves that fall in winter are glossy, oblong or oval, with rough triangular teeth along the edge, about 18 cm long. The height and diameter of the plant is 14x5 m (20 years). Maximum height - 30 m.

Leaves are glossy

Q. coccinea

The dark green leaves turn scarlet in the fall and fall off. Their plate is 15 cm long, with pointed lobes. The silvery-gray-brown bark remains smooth for many years. Homeland - eastern USA and South-East. Canada. In Europe, acorns are rarely produced. Resistant down to -30°C. The height and diameter of the plant is 10x8 m (20 years). Maximum height - 25 m.

Dark green leaves


The autumn color of the leaves of this variety is especially attractive.


Q.frainetto (D. hungarian)

The leaves are deciduous, leathery, multi-lobed, up to 18 cm long. Their blades are narrow at the base and widest at the apex. Homeland - E. Europe. Withstands down to -20°C, and is therefore recommended for the southern regions of Russia. The height and diameter of the plant is 8x5 m (20 years). Maximum height is 30 m.

Leaves falling, leathery

Q. ilex (D. stone)

An evergreen tree with a spherical crown and dark gray crackling bark. The leaves are up to 6 cm long, leathery, glossy, dark green above and gray below, sometimes with sparse sharp teeth. After a particularly hot summer, small and green, but viable acorns are formed. Despite its relative cold resistance, this oak feels best in a mild coastal climate. Homeland - Chile. This heat-loving subtropical species can only be grown on the Black Sea coast. The height and diameter of the plant is 6x5 m (20 years). Maximum height - 25 m.

Evergreen tree with a spherical crown

Q. palustris (D. swamp)

Deciduous tree with a dense crown and silver-gray bark. The leaves are up to 12.5 cm long with deeply cut serrated lobes and are glossy green. After a hot summer they become reddish-brown. Short shoots on young trees are angular, hairpin-like. The species tolerates damp soil well. Homeland - North America. It is considered quite frost-resistant (down to -29°C). The height and diameter of the plant is 9x5 m (20 years). Maximum height - 30 m.

Deciduous tree

Q. pedunculata

A long-lived Western European deciduous tree that prefers a coastal climate. The color of the bark varies from gray to black-brown. Leaves are up to 17 cm long, broadly oval, with rounded lobes. The pluses are sessile, without stalks. Winter hardiness varies depending on the form from -20°C to -30°C. The height and diameter of the plant is 6x4 m (20 years). Maximum height - 35 m.

Long-lived deciduous tree

Q. phellos (syn. Q. pumila) (D. loosestrife, D. dwarf)

A semi-deciduous tree with a spherical crown and elliptical glossy leaves up to 15 cm long, which turn yellow and orange in autumn. Requires protection from wind and fertile, moist soil. Acorns are rarely formed. Homeland - southeastern USA. Relatively thermophilic: can withstand frosts only down to -23°C. The height and diameter of the plant is 4x3 m (20 years). Maximum height -8 m.

Semi-deciduous tree

Q. robur (syn. Q. pedunculata) (D. common, D. petiolate)

A long-lived deciduous European tree with a spreading crown. The leaves are green, obovate, with rounded blades, up to 14 cm long. One of the most winter-hardy species for central Russia. In some regions it suffers from spring frosts. The height and diameter of the plant is 6x4 m (20 years). Maximum height - 32 m.

Tree with spreading crown


A small, slowly growing tree with a spherical crown and golden leaves sticking up.

Small, slow growing tree

Q. rubra (syn. Q. borealis) (D. red, D. northern)

Deciduous tree with a wide spherical crown. Leaves are up to 20 cm long, with large triangular teeth and lobes. At first soft green, they turn dull red, brown or orange-yellow in the fall. The bark is smooth, silver-gray or pale brown. Viable acorns are rarely formed. Homeland - North America. It does not grow well everywhere in the middle zone. Tolerates winter temperatures down to -35°C, but is severely damaged by spring frosts. The height and diameter of the plant is 10x6 m (20 years). Maximum height - 30 m.

Leaves with large triangular teeth

Q. sessiliflora

Semi-deciduous tree with a spherical crown. The bark quickly becomes covered with cracks and becomes dark brown. Leaves with finely cut lobes, dark green, up to 8 cm long. They often do not fall off all winter. Frost resistance - down to -23°C. The height and diameter of the plant is 8x4 m (20 years). Maximum height -18 m.

Leaves with finely cut lobes

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