Medicinal properties and uses of ash bark and wood

image of Ash

Since ancient times, Ash has been considered a conductor between worlds.
Ash resurrected lives, endowed people with magical powers, and drove away evil spirits. The tree united opposites and was an allegory of eternal life.

Ash wood was used in fortune telling. Amulets and magic runes were made from it.

In the old days in Scandinavia they believed that the gods lived in Asgard, a country above the clouds. In the middle of the country rises a huge Ash tree, growing through the worlds. An old tree named Ygdrazil holds up the firmament and covers the sacred spring with its roots.

If the tree dies, the transcendental kingdom will collapse, and the sacred waters will flood all living things.

Where does Ash grow?

(photo: Woodmen19)

There are 70 species of Ash in the world. The most common in our country is Common Ash.

The tree is found throughout Russia, in Crimea and the Caucasus. Various plant species can be found in North Africa and North America, Eurasia and the Far East.

Ash can be found in parks and gardens.

In the wild, this tall and stately tree prefers fertile, moderately moist soils. Often Ash can be found in the middle of a field or along a sandy road.

Common types

Based on some popular types of elms, many varieties and hybrids have been bred. Such plants can be seen in many gardens, squares and city parks. They are often used for street landscaping. We will look at the most popular types of elms that can be most often found.

Smooth or common elm - this tree is distinguished by a beautiful crown with spreading branches. Its bark is dark brown. The dark green, elliptical-shaped foliage is smooth and has jagged edges. With the end of autumn it turns brown. This species tolerates frosty weather, shade and is resistant to drought. For rapid development, it needs fertile soil, which does not allow it to grow normally in urban conditions. Smooth or common elm most often grows in European countries. Also common in the Urals, Caucasus, Crimea and England.

Hornbeam or cork elm , birch bark stands out for its impressively sized crown with dark brown shoots. It should be noted that the birch bark leaves of this type of elm are smooth and slightly dark on top and rough underneath. With the onset of autumn they begin to turn yellow.

This species does not tolerate winter conditions well. but not demanding on the soil. Most often it grows in Western Europe, Russia and the Caucasus, Asia Minor.

Thick elm belongs to a tall variety of elms and is distinguished by a large crown. Oblong and bare leaves are located on the branches of the tree. Its bark is dark in color.

It differs from others in its increased drought resistance. It is practically not found in nature, and is cultivated only in Central Asia.

Small-leaved elm grows most often in East and South Asia, where it is also called caragana (ebony). This tree grows up to 15 meters in height. It is noted that this plant tolerates transplants well and is not picky about the soil - it can grow well in unfavorable soils. However, this elm prefers light areas.

Rough or mountain elm is a variety with a wide and round crown. These trees are record holders for height. There are specimens reaching a height of 35 meters. The bark is brown and the leaves are smooth on top and hairy underneath. With the arrival of autumn they turn orange. This species grows intensively, develops well in urban conditions and is not afraid of frost.

Care and breeding

Reproduction of elms occurs mainly by seeds. The tree can also be propagated by shoots. If the seeds are placed in an airtight container, they will be able to retain their germination properties for 2 years. After the seeds ripen, they are planted after two weeks.

The plant does not require preliminary soil preparation . They must be laid out in the soil at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, covered with a layer of soil and watered abundantly. During the first month, the seeds are watered regularly and abundantly. In very hot weather, it is advisable to cover the seeds with film until the first shoots appear. As the young tree grows, it will be easy to tolerate excess moisture or drought. Young shoots grow well even in the shade.

Before planting seeds or seedlings, you should consider the growth rate of the plant. After 2-3 years, the tree can shade other plantings. It is known that elms have a negative effect on grapes, so they should not be planted nearby.

Beneficial features

Elm leaves and bark are rich in beneficial substances. They have many beneficial effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • diuretic.

bark during the flowering period in spring. The leaves are collected in summer in dry weather. For collection, material is mainly taken from smooth elm, which goes under the log house. Collected bark from a tree retains its properties for 2 years. Various decoctions and tinctures are made from it for many diseases:

  • bladder;
  • swelling;
  • wound healing;
  • digestive system;
  • skin diseases;
  • diarrhea.

A decoction of the leaves eliminates colic and helps speed up the healing of skin wounds . A mixture of bark and buds from birch and willow has a beneficial effect on the body for dermatitis and burns, if you make a decoction from the composition.

Properties of wood

Elm is a valuable wood species . Its wood is not susceptible to rotting, even at high humidity levels. This feature has made elm wood very popular and in demand. In European countries, it was previously used for many construction works, as well as for supplying water. In Rus', runners, shafts and arches for horse-drawn vehicles were made from such wood.

In its main characteristics and properties, the wood is very similar to oak wood. The material is viscous and difficult to split. It is difficult to process with hand and electric cutting tools and is difficult to plan. Despite such difficulties in processing, it is perfectly polished and glued. Before finishing work begins, the wood must be treated with primer, filling the pores. During the drying process, the material practically does not crack. This property of elm is similar to that of oak.

Currently, elm wood is in demand for the production of furniture and floor coverings. The valuable natural material is also used in shipbuilding and engineering.



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What does Ash look like?

Ash is a tall tree up to 30 meters in height with a lush crown. In the southern regions there are representatives up to 60 meters tall. The crown allows sunlight to pass through well thanks to its sharp and long leaves and sparse gnarled branches. The trunk volume reaches 1 meter.

The bark of the tree is ash-gray in color and is distinguished by its smoothness and unusual odor. The bark and leaves of this tree contain a substance called coumarin, which gives the tree the aroma of fresh hay. That is why a tired traveler can breathe easily and calmly under a tree.

In spring, Ash turns purple. After a few weeks, future fruits - lionfish - begin to form.

These flat storehouses of seeds will only fall to the ground in winter.

Features of care

Focusing on the natural conditions in which ash grows, they strive to recreate them as much as possible on their site so that the tree is comfortable and healthy and beautiful.

How to water

Watering should be plentiful, but not excessive. Properly done drainage must eliminate the possibility of moisture stagnation. During dry periods, water more often, but remember not to water during the midday heat or during strong winds. At a depth of up to 2 meters, the tree is able to independently gain access to groundwater, so it is watered only in severe drought.

How to fertilize

Health, beauty and disease resistance directly depend on the nutritional value of the soil. Considering that the nutrient soil used when planting the seedling will be depleted in a year or two, subsequently the ash tree needs to be fed twice a year - in spring and autumn. After winter, fertilizers are rich in nitrogen (2 kg of rotted manure + 15 g of urea, + 25 g of calcium and ammonium nitrate diluted in 20 liters of water), and before winter the ash is fed with nitroammophoska (20 g per 20 liters). It is also not a good idea to over-fertilize. Their quantity depends on the quality of the soil.

On a note. Ash is known in medicine as a remedy that can stop bleeding, increase tone, relieve spasms, relieve fever, heal wounds, and also help with rheumatism, cough and worms.

How to prune an ash tree correctly?

Pruning is carried out in early spring before the flowering period. Get rid of dried, frozen and diseased branches. This procedure contributes to the formation of the necessary tree crown. The shoots located below are cut first, making sure that the stem is clean at least 3 m from the ground. Ash actively drives watery shoots from the base of the trunk, which, like thin leaves that cannot support the weight of the foliage, are immediately cut off.

Remember! Pruning is useful, but the tree does not tolerate it very well, so do not carry out this procedure unnecessarily and do not touch healthy, undamaged branches.

Planting and caring for an ash tree does not require any special skills, but, nevertheless, you will have to pay some attention to it.

When Ash Blooms

Flowering begins in April-May and lasts until the leaves bloom. Thanks to the large number of flowers and pollen, Ash is an excellent honey plant.

The fruits ripen in September or October and can remain on the branches until early spring, helping small birds from hunger. These fruits contain large amounts of fats and proteins.

The tree begins to bear fruit after an average of 25 years and can live up to 300 years. Ash leaves fall in late autumn, retaining their green color.


The leaves, fruits, roots and bark of the tree are used for medicinal purposes.

The leaves contain tannins and essential substances, vitamin C, carotene, organic acids and other substances.

A decoction of the roots relieves chronic respiratory diseases.

A decoction of the leaves has a sedative effect and is used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system of the body.

Tea made from leaves or powder from Ash seeds has a diuretic effect.

An infusion of Ash leaves is a natural means of increasing male power.

In addition, preparations from Ash have tonic, hemostatic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and other effects.


The beneficial properties of ash wood are not the same for everyone. If used incorrectly, medicinal raw materials can cause severe harm. It is necessary to avoid infusions and decoctions based on bark and leaves:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • for hypertension;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • for individual allergies.

Ash-based healing products are not offered to children under 12 years of age. During treatment with folk decoctions and infusions, dosages are carefully observed. Uncontrolled use of wood and leaves may cause side effects, which include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • renal colic;
  • dizziness and migraine.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you must immediately stop using herbal preparations, artificially induce vomiting and take activated charcoal.

Application of Ash

Ash wood has a number of advantages compared to other species. Durable, light, moderately drying, wood has been used as a material for a wide variety of crafts for a long time.

Due to their flexibility, Ash branches served as an excellent material for bows of the Indians of North America. In Russia, Ash was used to make wheel rims, bend skis and rocker arms.

In modern industry, high impact strength has made it possible to use wood for various sports equipment. Ash is used to make billiard cues, baseball bats, racing oars, skis and even gymnastic bars.

Thanks to its beautiful pattern, Ash is used as veneer for cladding expensive furniture. When stained, veneer is difficult to distinguish from olive wood.

The high strength of wood makes it possible to produce railings, window frames, trim and furniture.

Ash is used for landscaping especially polluted areas of cities.

In the Caucasus, Ash fruits are pickled instead of capers and used as a seasoning.

Sweet Ash sap, like Maple sap, is a valuable source of sugar.

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