False sycamore maple - a tree endowed with magical powers in ancient Rus'
Botanical description In the wild, sycamore grows up to 25–40 m. The diameter of adult trunks
Chipboard boards - photos of the best options and description of technical characteristics!
A large assortment of chipboards makes it possible to choose the necessary material that is most suitable for solving the problems
How long does an oak tree live?
How long do trees live - life expectancy of deciduous, coniferous and fruit trees
Oak lives in the wild for 350-400 years. Centenarians can live up to two thousand years.
Machines for processing slabs and product list
Wood waste causes significant harm to the environment. Processing of slabs by sawmills is not practiced; this is for
DIY crafts from wood cuts - interesting master classes on creating decorative items (76 photos)
Methods for removing trees The following methods for removing trees are currently known: Entire felling.
Lesson summary “Corner end connection of bars in half a tree” lesson plan on technology (grade 6) on the topic
When connecting two wooden parts crosswise or at right angles, the most reliable connection will be
Thermowood is a unique building material
Wood is rightfully considered the most popular, safe and environmentally friendly material. Unlike
Creative cutting project “Photo frame “Sailboat”
How to make a photo frame with a jigsaw On the NemolotokTV channel they showed how to make a photo frame using a jigsaw, in
plywood types and characteristics
Types of plywood and application. Types of plywood, characteristics, properties, use
We tell you everything about plywood from A to Z. What is plywood? Plywood is
Plywood boat
How to make a boat with your own hands: wood and plywood
Due to the fairly high prices for boats, purchasing a finished product of a factory standard becomes difficult. TO
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