Amazing longevity. How many years does a linden tree live?

Image of Lipa

In the middle of summer, our forests are filled with the aroma of honey, and the air is filled with the buzz of bees. It was the Linden tree - the mother, nurse and guardian of the Russian land.
Linden is one of the most revered trees among the Slavs. The names of settlements, forests, mountains, and even women's names were often derived from the linden tree , which also gave its name to the month of July (“ Lipen ” is how it is still called in Ukraine).

Linden is a symbol of femininity , softness and tenderness. It symbolizes the feminine principle, and not only among the Slavic peoples.

The Slavs revered the linden not only as a sacred tree, but also as a mother tree . Linden will feed and shoe and heal. A spoon, cup, ladle, tray and other household items were carved from linden. For many centuries, our ancestors walked in linden bast shoes. And Linden is also a good honey plant.

There are many varieties of Linden. The most common Linden in our area is the cordate Linden.

Southern tree varieties

Southern trees are characterized by good resistance to drought and heavy rainfall. These plants grow in regions with hot climates. The list of trees includes poplar, apricot tree, cypress, sumac. They grow in plant nurseries or in summer cottages and suburban areas.


Cypress is a type of evergreen, fast-growing species. Cypress is a perennial tree that grows up to 25 m. The plant can take the form of a bush up to 2 m long. The main growth of cypress occurs in the first years of its life. Then it increases by several centimeters every year. The lifespan of cypress is up to 2000 years. Its trunk can be straight or slightly curved, the bark is smooth, and over time acquires a furrowed structure. The leaves of the plant are scaly.

Important! Cypress is difficult to care for, so it needs to be fertilized periodically and given preventative vaccinations.


White acacia is a plant that belongs to the Legume genus and grows in the south. Acacia can be shrubby or woody. The height of the tree is up to 30 m, the width of the trunk is up to 2 m. Acacia has a wide crown that spreads over several meters. The leaves of the tree are long, up to 25 cm, imparipinnate. The fruits of the plant are beans, up to 6 cm long. Each of them contains about 8 seeds. Their ripening begins in mid-late September.

Poplar pyramidal

Pyramid poplar belongs to the Willow family. Its length varies within 40 m, and the width of the trunk reaches 1 m. Poplar has a pyramidal crown, its flowering begins in late April and early March. Average life expectancy is 300 years. Poplar has smooth gray bark and a well-developed root system. Because of this, poplar growth occurs quite quickly. The leaves of the plant are distinguished by a diamond-shaped shape, and its flowers are combined into long catkins.


Ash is a deciduous tree. Its height can reach 40 m. The shape of the crown is rounded, the branches of the tree are directed upward.

Lone ash tree with a spherical crown

The trunk has a cylindrical shape. Ash leaves form an inflorescence of 10-15 small green leaves. The fruits of the plant, lionfish, grow up to 5 cm. At first they have a green tint, then turn brown. Flowering begins in spring, after a long winter sleep.

Important! Ash is unpretentious to growing conditions, so it can exist even in swampy areas.


Staghorn sumac has another name - vinegar tree. This is a plant that belongs to the Sumakhov subspecies. For the first time, the plant, according to the tree encyclopedia, appeared in North America. Sumac is similar in appearance to a palm tree. Its crown is spreading, umbrella-shaped, the leaves are dissected. The trunk has a brown tint. The leaves are distinguished by their red color.

Important! The inflorescences of the tree are purple in color and resemble chestnut in appearance.

Russia is a beautiful country with diverse vegetation. In its expanses you can find coniferous and deciduous trees. Each of them has its own characteristics, size and life expectancy. Many plants are used in folk medicine together with various herbs and cosmetology for the treatment of female and male pathologies. The names of all trees in alphabetical order can be seen in special reference books, where their detailed characteristics are described.

This lesson will cover the topic “deciduous and coniferous trees”, which will help schoolchildren learn about two groups of trees - deciduous and coniferous. Let's look at their distinctive features.

Lesson: Deciduous and coniferous trees

Where does linden grow?

Linden can be seen in forests, gardens, city boulevards and parks.

Linden grows in many countries from southern Britain and central Scandinavia to European Russia, the Caucasus, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain. Linden grows even in the north in Norway, Finland and the Arkhangelsk region.

Linden is the only Central Russian broad-leaved tree that grows beyond the Urals.

Linden grows best in warm and fairly humid areas.

Larch is a coniferous or deciduous tree

Larch is very common in our country, as well as throughout the world.

Despite its name, larch is a coniferous tree, but not an evergreen tree. Larch needles (soft to the touch) fall off once a year before winter.

Our tree grows in the Far East and Siberia.

    The diameter of the larch trunk is up to 1 m, the height is up to 50 m, the duration of growth is more than 400 years (there are larches that are slightly less than 800 years old).

Use of larch

A special dye for hides and fabrics is made from larch bark. Larch wood has the following qualities:

    durability; high strength of the material (only slightly inferior to oak wood).

If it is impossible to hammer a nail into dried larch wood, then removing a nail hammered into the material before it has had time to dry will also not work. Thanks to these qualities, larch is widely used in both the chemical and construction industries. But this applies mostly to American larch species.

In our country, due to the very high density of most types of larches, processing and use in construction are extremely difficult.

Larch at the dacha

Polish larch and Japanese larch are plant species cultivated in our country. Japanese larch has been grown in Russia since the end of the 19th century. In Europe, the tree can often be found in parks and gardens. Since the plant is resistant to diseases and pests, it is grown as an ornamental, and in Japan (the plant’s homeland) it is used as a bonsai.

Polish larch, except in the forest, can be observed in botanical gardens and parks (height - 30 m, lifespan exceeds half a century). The tree grows quickly, loves light and is resistant to low temperatures. In general, it is very difficult to grow larch in the countryside on your own, even more difficult than pine or spruce. The plant survives transplantation with great difficulty. Therefore, seeds are mainly used for propagation. We recommend reading on this topic: Coniferous trees photos and names for children

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Fir trees, pines, birches, and oaks that were familiar from early childhood; familiar flowers and grass - nothing special, -.

In general, soil is the surface layer of the solid shell of our planet, different.

Contents: Arctic desert zone Tundra zone Forest-tundra zone.

Content. Types of plants: Green algae Bryophytes Ferns Conifers Flowering Which ones.

What does Lipa look like?

Linden can always be distinguished from other trees. In summer, along the heart-shaped leaves. When there are no leaves - along the characteristic reddish young branches with buds, and along the soft warm bark. What can I say, Lipa is all full of femininity, softness, tenderness, and care.

Linden trees in the forest grow from 10 to 30 meters.

The crown of the Linden tree is dense, dense, strongly shading the soil. The leaves are round, with a heart-shaped base, finely toothed.

Linden flowers are pale yellow, fragrant, with a honey aroma, collected in inflorescences.

Linden seeds are small, the size of a pea, the fruit-nuts are collected in several on separate stalks, and each such stalk is equipped with a special wing, thin and quite wide.
This wing helps the seeds to fly away from the tree in winter.

Planting and care

Under natural conditions, reproduction is mostly by seed. In addition, linden is propagated by root shoots, layering, grafting, and cuttings. To obtain a dense hedge, propagation by layering is recommended, as well as planting seedlings in a checkerboard pattern, in waves, or in rows. Spring and autumn plantings are practiced.

The tree is a moisture-loving tree, so in arid regions young plants need watering. Specimens older than 5 years are not threatened by drought. In the first 2 years after planting, it is important to apply nitrogen fertilizer to the soil several times a season to stimulate the growth of green mass.

Linden prefers fertile, moisture-permeable soil. It reacts poorly to the accumulation of salts, but responds well to the addition of lime. Mature plantings are not afraid of climate fluctuations, winter hardiness down to -48 ° C. The linden root grows in depth and breadth, and is sensitive to the tightness of dense plantings.

The first tree pruning can be done in the 3rd year of life. Usually the lateral branches are shortened by 1/3 of the length, this is how the linden crown is formed with pronounced axial symmetry. A specimen older than 20-30 years is considered mature.

Linden in autumn

At the beginning of autumn, the rays of the sun appear in the greenery of the Linden tree It is the individual branches that put on a golden outfit. Until the whole tree is covered with golden yellow foliage. On sunny days, its yellow crowns look especially elegant against the blue sky. And even in late autumn the linden park is very beautiful. The ground is covered with a carpet of fallen leaves, and against this background the black columns of the trunks stand out especially sharply.

When the cold winds remove the last clothing from the forest and it hides somewhere in its depths under the rough bark, the seeds of the Linden tree are still hanging like nuts, swaying on long legs.

Diseases and pests

Linden rarely suffers from pests or diseases. They appear only under unfavorable weather conditions. The most common diseases are black spot and holey spot. They are fought against by burning fallen leaves, as well as spraying with Bordeaux mixture. The same preventive measures are used for white rot.

The crown of the plant is damaged by scale insects, bugs, gall mites, bark beetles and other insects. Long-acting insecticides are used against them, mainly by spraying. Trees are sometimes damaged by birds (woodpeckers), as well as rodents.

Healing properties of Linden

Doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome used Linden blossom to treat a wide variety of diseases, and its juice to improve hair growth.

Linden flowers are used for coughs, runny nose, bronchitis, kidney and bladder diseases.

Linden flowers are used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic for sore throat, bronchitis, colds, and as a sedative for increased nervous excitability. Extract from linden inflorescences is also used for mild digestive and metabolic disorders.

Linden blossom is a popular disinfectant used for inflammation of the mouth and throat (for rinsing).

A decoction of Linden leaves is used for pain in the stomach and urethra.

Boiled young linden bark produces mucus that has anti-inflammatory and pronounced analgesic properties. Mucus is used in the form of lotions for burns, inflammation of hemorrhoids and for rheumatic and gouty pain.

Tree leaves

As you know, each tree has its own distinctive characteristics. One of these signs is leaves. A leaf is one of the main organs of a plant, performing the function of respiration and nutrition. The leaves of trees are very diverse in shape and size.

Birch has small carved leaves.

Linden leaves are shaped like a heart.

Oak leaves will expand at the top of the leaf.

Maple has a wide leaf plate with pointed ends.

Rowan has a complex leaf, with up to 15 small leaves on the central petiole.

Chestnut also has a complex leaf. The slightly pointed leaves meet at the apex of the main petiole.

Application of linden

Linden seeds are very nutritious and are consumed in the same way as hazelnuts and walnuts. From them an oil is obtained that is close in quality to olive oil and tastes like almond oil.

Fresh linden leaves are used to make salads, and dried ones are added to dough.

Linden blossom is also used instead of tea for brewing with other medicinal plants or together with tea.

People began to use linden bark for economic purposes long ago; they wove baskets, bast shoes, baskets and other products from it.

Linden is considered an excellent honey plant; its honey is called “lipets” and is classified as high-quality.

Linden wood is the most common ornamental tree used by our ancestors.


When planting seedlings, planting holes or trenches with a depth of 50 cm are dug. Drainage made of sand, broken bricks, pebbles, and crushed stone is laid at the bottom. The excavated soil is mixed with a small amount of sand and humus, compost, drill flour, and 40 g of superphosphate per plant are added. It is forbidden to fertilize with fresh manure. To prevent wind damage to young trees, pegs are dug in during planting and the stems are tied to them.

Seed propagation takes the longest time, since seedlings reach maturity only by 12 years. The seeds must be stratified for six months in boxes with damp sawdust or wet sand. The optimal temperature is 0 - +4 °C. It is noteworthy that spring sowing of dry seeds is almost guaranteed not to sprout.

In the spring, a careful excavation is carried out from the container with seeds and dropped into open ground. The point is that you cannot damage the microflora that has formed around the seeds, which is necessary for successful germination. But even with this approach, only the most resilient specimens will be able to ascend.

In nurseries, sowing is carried out with previously stratified and soaked seeds, in rows, leaving a distance of 15-20 cm. At a temperature of +18-22 °C, unfriendly shoots should appear after at least 2 weeks.

Seedlings need regular watering. With the emergence of seedlings, they are given airing every day, removing the cover for 1-2 hours. Lighting is required bright, but diffused, lasting 8-10 hours a day.

Cuttings are an even rarer method. The survival rate of planting material is low. Branches with green, non-lignified bark are suitable. To increase the chances of success, cuttings sections are immersed in solutions of root formation stimulants. Planting is carried out immediately in fertile soil.

Coniferous trees

The second group of trees are conifers. Needles are modified leaves. Coniferous trees include spruce, cedar pine, fir, and larch. A forest consisting of coniferous trees is called coniferous . Unlike deciduous trees, coniferous trees do not shed their needles in the fall, so their other name is evergreen .

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The crown of the tree reaches down to the ground, so the spruce forests are dark and damp. Spruce forests are called spruce forests . Spruce roots are located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, from strong winds, spruce trees fall, forming impenetrable thickets and windfalls. This is what a spruce branch with cones looks like. The cones are oblong.

Spruce is a very interesting and useful tree. Its wood is used to make musical instruments and paper. Coniferous trees emit special substances that fill the air with a pleasant aroma and purify it. How much joy the green beauty brings to your home on New Year's Eve!

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